Dec 21, 2023

Safety should always be your top priority when driving in winter conditions on snowy and icy roads in South Dakota, where temperatures can fall below 10°F. The correct tires are crucial to ensure optimal handling, braking, and cornering in freezing conditions. Below, your Rapid City, SD, Nissan dealer offers valuable advice on choosing tires for your Nissan in the state’s harsh winter months.

Advice From Your Rapid City, SD, Nissan Dealer: Choosing Tires For South Dakota Winters

Rely on Snow Tires

Snow tires are designed to provide optimal traction and handling performance when driving in harsh winter conditions, especially in South Dakota, where it snows from October to April. These tires offer maximum traction and a reduced braking distance on icy roads in freezing weather.

Good snow tires will give you the traction you need for safe braking and cornering at temperatures below 45°F. Snow tires have specific features like specialized rubber, deeper grooves, and wide sipes that help increase traction when you need it the most.

Specialized Rubber Compound

Snow tires keep you safe behind the wheel when the temperature drops and the roads turn slippery. They are made with a specialized rubber compound to be extra flexible and pliable for improved traction. 

Deep Grooves

When driving on snowy and icy roads, it’s essential to have tires with deep grooves that offer maximum traction to improve overall handling. The deep grooves work to direct slush and ice away, ensuring that the tire maintains contact with the road surface.

Wide Sipes

Snow tires are designed with sipes, which are multiple wide slits within the tread pattern, to provide extra grip. This helps to reduce the risk of skidding and ensures safer driving in winter weather.

Check the Symbols on the Tires

When buying tires for winter driving conditions, keep an eye out for specific symbols that indicate the conditions the tires are meant to handle. In South Dakota, look for the three-peak mountain and snowflake symbols on the tire sidewalls that are ideal for snowy conditions.

Three-Peak Mountain and Snowflake Symbol

When you see the three-peak mountain and snowflake symbol on the tire’s sidewall, you can rest assured that the tires have undergone rigorous testing and certification for use in severe winter conditions. These tires are designed to deliver reliable and safe performance, ensuring you have all the traction you need to navigate snowy winter roads. Ensure your safety on the road this winter with a set of quality snow tires. Stop at Granite Nissan today. Our team of tire specialists will help you choose the right snow tires for your vehicle, and our certified Nissan technicians will perform a professional installation.